Saturday, August 31, 2013


When you search the word Inquiry that is what you find.  
This week's word is Inquiry and the reason why it’s the first word to know is because every year all freshmen are required to take and INQ class. This is class is to help guide all freshmen into the right path so that they can be successful I college and in life.  
Reason why they call it an INQ class is because INQ is the root word for Inquiry, and Inquiry means to ask questions. Asking question for all new freshmens in college is very important because it’s a new beginning and there are lots of things running through their minds. Also Inquiry is a way to get to know new people  because for some meeting new people is very scary and by having this class your able to meet new people are seeing what they have in common with you.  
Also by having Inquiry class it teaches you old words that plays a huge part as being a college student, for instance Responsibility we all know what it means but we really don’t comprehend it. Another word that we all know but don’t think about is Persuasion. This will happen almost everyday during your time at college but its up to you to control your action and what you do. 
Responsibility- Something for which one is responsible; a duty, obligation, or burden. 
Persuasion-  the state or fact of being persuaded or convinced. ( 

A Speaker to Rememeber

On August 25, 2013 Maria Falzone came to Southern Connecticut State University to talk to the incoming Freshmen about Sex. A topic that all will remember. 
Maria Falzone is a highly known comedian who talks about a topic that most people are uncomfortable to talk about which is Sex, but with her humoristic ways she makes it enjoyable to listen and makes you feel comfortable about the subject. 
Maria was so comfortable about her sex life that see shared everything, and when I say everything I mean everything. She talks about the first time she ever had sex, how great she is at having sex, what age she lost her virginity and ohh how she has Herpes.  
And for those who don’t know what Herpes is, it's a Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD). She was a very open person who wasn’t afraid to tell people her story. 
Even though she is a comedian, the things she was talking were real things that could happen to anyone. I feel that the reason why she say things in a joking manner is because it will open everyone's eyes and she will grab everybody attention. Because how many people pay attention to a speaker who is trying to teach a life lesson, not too many 
Overall Maria Falzone was a great speaker not because she talked about sex but because she gave us insight about life and how people make mistakes.  
To know more about Maria here is her website

Friday, August 30, 2013


There is so much different kinds of blogs its unbelievable. Throughout the many blogs that I have seen there is many originality and creativity that the bloggers have. Some of the blogs that I have seen gave me ideas for my own blog. One of the blogs that I seen was the blogger relating everything to her experience and I find that extremely important when writing a blog because you want to give your readers some insight of your life so that they have something that they can relate too. That’s what's important to a blog, having your own experience and seeing what others think about it. 
Also another thing that I happen to notice about of other peoples blogs s that there's no rules on how to write a blog. There's no such thing as a perfect blog or a well written blog, blogs are basically a free writes and there's no rules for that also. So that means that you have the power and the choice on what your blogs could be and that personally is most exciting thing ever, who doesn’t like to be in command.  

  What I personally want my blog to be about is just surviving your first semester of college. That is because many people fear the idea of college, and I'm here to show my first semester with everybody and that having fear is ok as long as you don’t let it overcome you. This is why I look forward into writing blogs every week to show the progress of my experience as a college freshman in their first semester, and give people who read my blog the hope and encouragement that they can make it through their first semester as a college student.  
I hope that by me writing these blogs I will also gain the opportunity it be successful and make it as well. 


College. College is a huge impact on a persons life because it’s a place where you earn your degree to have a successful career. By going to college you are granted an opportunity to be successful in life. Being able to be called a college is awarding because not to many people make it to college. Also college plays a huge chunk on a students social life. Reason is because many go to college to embrace the freedom that they cant endure when they are living at home with their parents. But also having all the freedom that they receive from college, it can be very overwhelming because students doesn’t have a rule enforcement like a parent. So some may flunk out of college or if they're smart they would know how to balance they schedule. What I mentioned in the last sentence about how if students are lucky if they can manage partying and going out with friends and still be able to pass all their courses, those are the students that have excellent time management. Time management is highly important to a college especially to an incoming freshmen. Reason why its very important for a freshman to learn how to manage time management is because in college there is a lot of free time and more freedom than what they had in high school, and with that there will be more time for a freshman to get caught up in a bad situation. But overall with all that being said I strongly believe that my college experience here at Southern Connecticut State University will give me the opportunities for me to grow and learn about myself. I believe that as the years go by I will make a strong impact not only for myself but for other around me also. This is what college means to me and what I believe about myself here at SCSU.