When you search the word Inquiry that is what you find.
This week's word is Inquiry and the reason why it’s the first word to know is because every year all freshmen are required to take and INQ class. This is class is to help guide all freshmen into the right path so that they can be successful I college and in life.
Reason why they call it an INQ class is because INQ is the root word for Inquiry, and Inquiry means to ask questions. Asking question for all new freshmens in college is very important because it’s a new beginning and there are lots of things running through their minds. Also Inquiry is a way to get to know new people because for some meeting new people is very scary and by having this class your able to meet new people are seeing what they have in common with you.
Also by having Inquiry class it teaches you old words that plays a huge part as being a college student, for instance Responsibility we all know what it means but we really don’t comprehend it. Another word that we all know but don’t think about is Persuasion. This will happen almost everyday during your time at college but its up to you to control your action and what you do.
Responsibility- Something for which one is responsible; a duty, obligation, or burden.