Are kids allowed to fail, yes. Reason is because they need
to be able to experience the feeling and to able to have the motivation to turn
that failure into success. As a society do we encourage them to fail, yes.
Reason is because while we encourage them to fail, they know that they will
have the support system they need to overcome it and that leads to society
protecting them from failure because when someone fails they tend to look for
comfort. In fact they is a safe place to go to if your fail and that is when
your family. That is family always look at each other as a blessing, they
aren’t negative in situation that makes the person who failed feel like they
don’t have what it takes to be successful. They provide uplifting energy and
they always point out the positive than the negative.
Overall failing is a part of life. You’re going to encounter
it even if you don’t want it. Even
though its not fun to fail majority of the time, as J.K Rowling said in her
speech at Harvard in 2008, “I was set free because my greatest fears had been
realized, and I was still alive. And so rock bottom became the foundation on
which I rebuilt my life.” I believe
everyone should have this attitude because it tells that even though you failed
you can still be successful because you learn and grow from your mistakes that
you may had made.
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