Wednesday, September 25, 2013

5A. 12 weeks left

So much has already happen during my first four weeks as a college student. During my years as being a high school student all my teachers have repeatedly told me that the college workload is ridiculous and now that I’m in college I can see why they kept saying it. I receive triple amount of homework now then I did in high school. So far I have been getting my work done and handed on time and feel proud of the work that I do. Being in college is a whole new ball game then being in high school because in college you have lots of time on your hands when your not in class to do whatever you want and you have the choice on doing your work or hanging out with your friends. Reason I say that is because your professor isn’t going to bother you and see if you’re doing your work unlike a high school teacher because its all on you weather or not you pass the class and graduate on time. That’s probably one of the difficulties that I have with Time Management because it’s something new to my life that I have rarely practiced.
However I find that I am learning this new skill quite fast because I have always seem to find the balance between doing my school work, hanging out with friends, and working part time.
For the next 12 weeks I plan on setting a schedule for myself because I find that if I’m a set schedule I know that I can overcome the college stress level just a tad bit. Also with me setting a schedule for myself it would teach me how time management is easy to set because I will set a time for everything that I do. 

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